Requesting High School Transcripts
Unofficial: Your student has access to these in e-transcript in PowerSchool. Some scholarships accept an unofficial transcript.
Official: Colleges always require an official transcript. DP uses PowerSchool to send an e-transcript to the colleges directly. Because it comes from our designated PowerSchool E-transcript coordinator, it's considered official.
Students who want an official transcript sent to an out-of-state college will need to contact Lori Ternquist. We may mail one depending if they accept our e-transcripts.
Official: Some scholarships require an official transcipt be submitted with the application. This should be signed and stamped by Lori Ternquist. Some scholarships require it to be in a signed envelope. Make sure to read the directions.
Dual Credit Transcripts
In the summer between graduating and college, you will need to request and pay to have the college send your transcript that shows your college courses. If you took dual credits at more than one college, then you'll have to request both to be sent. Most colleges use a third party transcript company and charge about $5-$10. Make sure grades have been posted before requesting them to be sent.
Lori Ternquist